At Luce Tooth, we can file claims with any PPO DENTAL plan. The most useful benefit of a PPO plan is the ability to choose the doctor you WANT, whether they are in-network or not.
We believe that your children deserve to receive the type of treatment that our DOCTORS determine is best for your child, not what AN INSURANCE COMPANY thinks is best. Being out of network allows us to provide an extraordinary level of care and education, and spend much more time with our families than if we were in-network.
Being out of network DOES NOT mean that you can’t see us or utilize your insurance benefits!
- As long as you have a PPO Dental Plan we will file the claim for you, there is no additional work you need to do!
- Most insurance companies will reimburse us directly.
- Most plans in our area have GREAT out of network coverage, leaving little to no out-of-pocket coverage for routine dental exam and cleaning visits (just as if you went to an in-network dentist).
We have patients with plans from every major insurance carrier that pay 100% of cleaning and exam visits. The coverage level of a plan is determined by the individual employer. Here are some examples of employers that have a history of great coverage:
- All Children’s Hospital – John’s Hopkins
- Apogee Engineering
- Argenix
- Jabil
- Pinellas County Board of Commissioners
- Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office
- Many, many more!
We offer discounts for Military, Teachers, and employees of Baycare.
We offer membership plans for patients that either don’t have dental insurance, don’t have a plan with PPO coverage, or have high premium rates but low coverage.
Our membership plan covers two exams, cleanings, fluoride treatments, most x-rays, and is valid for one full year. Patients get a discount on treatment, plus other benefits. No deductible, no waiting periods, and it’s priced to be very competitive with private insurance plans. Give our office a call and ask for more details including pricing (it works out to be a roughly 20-25% discount to paying for each appointment individually!).