What are The Symptoms of Tongue-Tie?

Tongue-tie is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. It occurs when the tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too tight or short, which can restrict the tongue’s movement. This condition can lead to various symptoms affecting speech, feeding, and oral hygiene. In this post, we will explore the signs of tongue tie and the benefits of getting it treated.

The experienced team at Luce Tooth Pediatric Dentistry of Seminole, FL, is proud to service the local community with premium pediatric dental services, including fixing your child’s tongue tie to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

What is Tongue-Tie?

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition that occurs when the lingual frenulum is too short or tight, which can cause the tongue’s movement to be limited. Some common symptoms of tongue-tie include difficulty latching onto a nipple during breastfeeding, trouble moving the tongue side to side or sticking it out, and problems with eating or swallowing. This can cause problems with speech, feeding, and oral hygiene.

Benefits of Tongue-Tie Treatment

If left untreated, tongue-tie can cause significant discomfort and affect quality of life. However, there are many benefits to getting it treated. Some benefits of tongue-tie treatment include improved speech, better feeding and swallowing abilities, and improved oral hygiene. In addition, treatment can prevent future dental problems and reduce the risk of developing sleep apnea and other respiratory problems.

Your Local Quality Dental Care Expert

If you or your child is experiencing symptoms of tongue-tie, it’s essential to seek treatment from a qualified healthcare professional. A pediatric dentist can diagnose tongue-tie and recommend treatment options, which may include a simple surgical procedure to release the frenulum.

During your next consultation with the experienced team at Luce Tooth Pediatric Dentistry of Seminole, FL, you can be sure you are receiving the proper care and guidance you and your family deserve.


My Child Is Nervous About Visiting the Dentist. What Can I Do?

Some children get anxious when they see the dentist. If your child feels nervous about seeing the pediatric dentist in Seminole, FL, you can help. By setting expectations, working with the right dentist, and by reading books about the dentist to your child, you can help your child feel more comfortable with their next dental visit. Below, we’ve listed several things you can do to help your child feel better about their next visit to the dentist.

Set Expectations

Some kids just need to know what they can expect from their next dental visit. You can set expectations by talking about what happens when you see the dentist, and how good you feel when you’re done with your dentist appointments. The more your child hears about your visits with the dentist, the better they can feel about their own trips to the dentist.

Find a Dentist With Strategies to Help Kids

Some dentists work with kids all the time. These dentists often have smart strategies for helping their patients feel less anxiety. Find a dentist in your area that works with children and has methods for helping their patients feel better in the dental chair.

Read Books About Going to the Dentist

There are lots of kids books about going to the dentist. Find books that appeal to your child and read to them about how dentists help you keep clean teeth. This will help set expectations for your child.

Play Dentist

Before you take your child to their next pediatric dental exam in Seminole, FL, play dentist together. Pretend you’re the dentist and show your child how the dentist will perform the examination. Your child will see there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Want more suggestions? Contact Luce Tooth Pediatric Dentistry today.